Our Team of Real Estate Associates
LIVE OAK REALTY has the friendliest and most knowledgeable agents in town!
Give us a call or send us an email if you need more information.

Jay Wetzel
Jay Wetzel started LIVE OAK REALTY having been raised in Osceola County and knows firsthand the growth areas including Live Oak, Lake City, St. Cloud, Lake Nona, and Harmony. Over 20 years of experience has helped him develop relationships with customers through his hard work, honesty, and trust.
He takes pride in developing LIVE OAK REALTY to better serve the community here in the Central Florida area. It is his drive and passion to know his customers that earned him the "Top Producer of the Year with sales over $16.2 Million!"
Whether you want to purchase or sell a dream home, large acreage agricultural land tract, commercial property, or investment property, Jay and his team will make every effort to provide you with the service you deserve at LIVE OAK REALTY.

Celia Wetzel
Real Estate Associate
Live Oak, Florida
Celia has been a realtor for 11 years. She has been an integral part of the Live Oak Realty team. Assisting her husband of over 30 years and also her Broker Jay Wetzel. Celia is experienced in all facets of the real estate transaction.
Celia works with buyers and sellers to provide information in any real estate need you might have. Give her a call today!

Susan Sanchez
Sales Associate
Central Florida/St. Cloud
Susan was born and raised in Kansas. After meeting Arthur (a Florida native), she immediately fell in love, moved to central Florida, and married. Susan and Arthur have been married for 27+ years residing in Saint Cloud and have two children—Logan and Ashley.
Susan is licensed for residential, commercial, and land track sales. Susan Sanchez is very excited to help individuals and families find their next business location or forever home!